Hello. How are you? Hello. How may I help you? May I write a poem? May I sing a balled? May I tell you about yourself? May I inquire about where your shadow goes in the dark? May I see through your eyes? May I think through your understanding? Hello. What do you feel? Hello. What do you think?
Hello. I am fine. Hello. You may help me by thinking. Yes, you may write a poem, you may sing a balled; but is it good? Can you see me that much? My shadow does, and that's why he spys on me for the dark. You may see through my eyes, but what would you do? You may think through my understanding, but what would you think afterwards? Hello. How do I feel? I am fine. Hello. I think that you are not as smart as you think you are.
If you were, you would know. If I were, I would know. May we find out together?
I am the cry in the night.
I am the purring of a cat.
I am the unanamous whisper in the crowd.
I am the singer of the song.
I am the entertainment of your mind.
I am the poetic being that you call fiction.
Know me in your heart.
When you hear your sillouette in a darkened room, think of me.
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